inner join
表t1 (id , data)
2, 22
3, 33
表t2 (id, data)
2, 22
join默认是inner join,就是当被join的两个表都同时存在字段的时候才会成功
t1 join t2 on =
left join 是两个被join的表,根据左侧表,这里是t1,有的字段来计算
t1 left join t2 on =
如果是left join的话,这里结果是
1,11 + 11
2,22 + 22
3, 33 + null
1,11 + 11
2,22 + 22
4, 44 + null
最后full join代表的是全连接:
t1 full join t2
1,11 + 11
2,22 + 22
3,33 + null
4, 44 + null
join(inner join):
with t1 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time1, count(*) as cnt1
from table1
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t2 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time2, count(*) as cnt2
from table2
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t3 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time3, count(*) as cnt3
from table3
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t4 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time4, count(*) as cnt4
from table4
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t5 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time5, count(*) as cnt5
from table5
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t6 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time6, count(*) as cnt6
from table6
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
select t1.create_time1
, t1.cnt1 + t2.cnt2 + t3.cnt3 + t4.cnt4 + t5.cnt5 + t6.cnt6
from t1
join t2 on t1.create_time1 = t2.create_time2
join t3 on t1.create_time1 = t3.create_time3
join t4 on t1.create_time1 = t4.create_time4
join t5 on t1.create_time1 = t5.create_time5
join t6 on t1.create_time1 = t6.create_time6
left join:
with t1 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time1, count(*) as cnt1
from table1
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t2 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time2, count(*) as cnt2
from table2
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t3 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time3, count(*) as cnt3
from table3
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t4 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time4, count(*) as cnt4
from table4
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t5 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time5, count(*) as cnt5
from table5
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
t6 as (
select to_date(created_at) as create_time6, count(*) as cnt6
from table6
where to_date(created_at) >= '2018-04-01'
and to_date(created_at) <= '2018-05-23'
and dt = '2018-05-28'
group by to_date(created_at)
order by to_date(created_at)
select t1.create_time1
, t1.cnt1 + t2.cnt2 + t3.cnt3 + t4.cnt4 + t5.cnt5 + t6.cnt6
from t1
left join t2 on t1.create_time1 = t2.create_time2
left join t3 on t1.create_time1 = t3.create_time3
left join t4 on t1.create_time1 = t4.create_time4
left join t5 on t1.create_time1 = t5.create_time5
left join t6 on t1.create_time1 = t6.create_time6
order by t1.create_time1
full join:
with table_a as (
select t2.city_name, count(DISTINCT t1.bicycle_no) as res1, count(DISTINCT t2.uuap_id) as res2
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 on t1.operator_id = t2.uuap_id
where t1.dt = '2018-05-29'
and t1.tags = 'repair'
and t1.status = 1
and to_date(t1.created_at) >= '2018-05-04'
and to_date(t1.created_at) <= '2018-05-10'
and t2.post_name = 'xxx'
group by t2.city_name
table_b as (
select t2.city_name
, round(count(DISTINCT t1.bicycle_no) / count(DISTINCT t2.uuap_id), 0) as res3
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 on t1.operator_id = t2.uuap_id
where t1.dt = '2018-05-29'
and to_date(t1.created_at) >= '2018-05-04'
and to_date(t1.created_at) <= '2018-05-10'
and t2.post_name = 'xxx'
group by t2.city_name
table_c as (
select t2.city_name
, round(count(DISTINCT t1.bicycle_no) / count(DISTINCT t2.uuap_id), 0) as res4
from table1 t1
left join table2 t2 on t1.operator_id = t2.uuap_id
where t1.dt = '2018-05-29'
and t1.tags = 'repair'
and t1.status = 1
and to_date(t1.created_at) >= '2018-05-04'
and to_date(t1.created_at) <= '2018-05-10'
and t2.post_name = 'xxx'
group by t2.city_name
select if(table_a.city_name is null, if(table_b.city_name is null, table_c.city_name, table_b.city_name), table_a.city_name), table_a.res1, table_a.res2, table_b.res3, table_c.res4
from table_a
full join table_b on table_a.city_name = table_b.city_name
full join table_c on table_a.city_name = table_c.city_name
order by table_a.res1 desc
left join、inner join、right join的区别
sql的left join 、right join 、inner join之间的区别 -left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等
一、unix_timestamp函数用法1)返回当前时间的时间戳select unix_timestamp(); 2)如果参数date满足yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss形式,则可以
sql之left join、right join、inner join的区别以及适
left join(左连接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中连接字段相等的记录 Table Aid name01 abc02 abTable Bid cnt01 3