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1.11 What's the time? What time is it?

时间:2019-06-22 02:42:09来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:83次「手机版」

what time is it

the key to the door/car 这里的所有格用to,除了's of ...

  • the answer to the question
  • the exit[ˈeksɪt] to the building
  • the ticket to the movie

baby--kid(child 英国)--teenage[ˈti:neɪdʒ] 青少年(13-19)

19 years old== 19 year-old


  • Listen! Can you hear it?
  • Look! Can you see it?
  • Look for it! Can you find it?

en- 使得 enjoy--enlarge--endanger--enslave[sleɪv] 是奴役

  • 过的愉快,玩的开心  I enjoy my holiday.
  • 喜欢  I enjoy the song every day.
  • enjoy yourself 玩的开心  have a nice day.

What's the time?

时间的读法,past--过  to--差:

4:00 four o'clock

seven thirty

half past seven       two quarters past seven

half to eight


four twenty

twenty past four

forty to five


ten fifteen

fifiteen past ten         a quarter past ten


two forty-five

forty-five past two      three quarters past two

fifteen to three           a quarter to three

must\can+be+非动词, 如果情态动词后面没有动词,这时候需要使用be。 must 后面接副词(如home here),需要be.

  • You must behome at half past ten.
  • He can be here for a long time.

回家 go home/be home/arrive home/get home/come home 这里的home是副词,修饰动词

at home(home为名词,介词+名词)

the front(n.) door & the back door   名词可以修饰名词

反身代词的使用  oneself代替所有的反身代词

  • 强调主语&宾语  He himself sent me a gift.  I see Xiaoming himself.
  • 不言而喻的宾语   Take good care of yourself.
  • 介词+反身代词  by oneself 独自  He is going to learn English by himself.自学
  • between oneself 私下 It's just between ourselves. 天知地知 你知我知
  • 动词+反身代词  enjoy oneself     help oneself随意  Help yourself, please.

spend [spend],发音

on the weekend在周末

country 乡村[U]不可数   国家[C]可数 counties

  • at church 英   in church 美  
  • at the office
  • at school
  • at the butcher's[ˈbʊtʃə(r)]/baker's[ˈbeɪkə(r)] 肉/面包店 at the groce's[ˈgrəʊsə(r)] 杂货商店 at my mother's 在我妈妈家 at the stationer's 文具店 
  • in the country
  • at home

dairy[ˈdeəri] 乳品店 grocer[ˈgrəʊsə(r)] 杂货商店

be absent[ˈæbsənt] from shool 没有去学校  be absent on Monday周一缺席

How are you keeping?你怎么样

Aren't you lucky!  表示强有力的肯定,感叹。 感叹句:你们真是太幸运了


  1. 动词+ed   walk---walked   stay---stayed
  2. 动词e+d 动词以不发音的e结尾: arrive---arrived  move--moved  smoke--smoked
  3. 辅音+y 动词的拼写以辅音+y结尾,去掉y,变i,加ed : study---studied try--tried
  4. 辅音+1元音+1辅音 ,动词的拼写以辅音+1元音+1辅音&多个音节时,重音节在元音上,双写结尾的辅音+ed: stop[stɒp]注意读音 stopped  slip[slɪp] slipped regret[rɪˈgret]  regretting

过去分词 读音

  1. 清辅音+ed.   /t/   walked   watched   helped
  2. 浊辅音&元音+ed  /d/  opened  /n/是浊辅音  played
  3. /t/ & /d/+ed   /id/  td后面读/id/    wanted  need[ni:d]---needed['ni:dɪd]

year:年份做n. 需要加in

  • 1998:ninteen nine eight
  • 2013:two thousand thirteen  or twenty thirteen  2000年以后,读thousand.
  • the year of snake
  • this year/last year/next year  It is the year of the snake and it was the year of the dragon[ˈdrægən].


  • race 比赛(比速度):a car race/a running race/a boat race
  • 球类比赛 match : a football/basketball match


crowd[kraʊd] 名词--量词  a crowd of ... 一群...   a crowd of people      in the crowd

finish n.做名词讲=end  It is a good finish(end) of the movie.

the first第一名    the champion[ˈtʃæmpiən]  冠军

on the way to school(n.)       on the way home(adv.)

Denmark['denmɑ:k] n.丹麦  Danish[ˈdeɪnɪʃ] n.丹麦语  adj.丹麦的

  • at+点(时间)
  • on+天
  • in+月、季、年



wordpress 博客链接:http://acmerbar.com/132.html最近翻到《C专家编程》前言看到time_t函数,竟然一时之间全无概念,只是约莫知道是

unix_timestamp 时间戳函数用法(hive)

一、unix_timestamp函数用法1)返回当前时间的时间戳select unix_timestamp(); 2)如果参数date满足yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss形式,则可以

用mac自带terminal ssh连虚拟机centos提示port 22: Op

2018.8.14 17:45更新 找到了另外一条路。终于可以用mac自带terminal ssh连虚拟机centos了。 各版本还是不变,在centos的初始状态下



what a fucking day




