很多人都理所当然的认为一个内容管理员(content Mangers)的工作就是简单的检查下拼写、语法错误。但是这是一个很大的误解。这样一个短浅的想法导致了内容管理领域作为一个整体存在普遍问题,包括:
设计 (Photoshop, 交互,排版)
一个成熟的内容管理部门应该游走与各个部门,参与项目的各个方面,不管这个项目是大是小。内容并不存在于真空中-它与一个系统的各个方面紧密结合。在项目的任何一个步骤中 – 从一开始的概念设计、框架结构,到HTML编辑,再到项目发布以及项目后期维护,内容都是重要的组成部门,所以一条内容信息在上线之前可能会经很多人的手。
Click the ‘Learn More’ link below to find out more about us!
Click the ‘Learn More’ link below to find out more about us!
他写了“Learn more”,但是并没有放上超链接,所以开发工程师自己写了“Learn more info about us”。现在这两句话对行动点的描述不一致了。
开发工程师写的文案“Learn more info about us”太长了,并且都是小写。作为行动点,这样的写法太不显眼,并且难以阅读。
Content Manager
The Importance of Content Management
Content management is a poorly understood, frequently underAPPreciated and inconsistently implemented aspect of most organization’s business strategy. There are many challenges in overcoming this ‘fuzzy’ approach to present – what should be – a unified corporate voice to the audience. The main issues are outlined below.
What is content management?
Content management is the set of processes and technologies that support the collection, managing, and publishing of information in any form or medium. [1] It involves the deployment and maintenance of contextually relevant and efficiently targeted content across all areas of a project.
Most people assume a content manager’s job is to simply check text for spelling and grammar ERRORs, but this is an important misunderstanding. This narrow view leads to institutionalized issues for content managers as a whole, namely:
A lack of consideration of content during project planning
A lack of understanding from content managers themselves as to their own role
A lack of inclusion of content managers during the project build phase
The perception of content management as a job for only one or two people, regardless of the size of a company
The stereotype that all content managers should come from journalistic or creative writing backgrounds
In reality, the ability to communicate efficiently, coherently and successfully to any audience requires a team of specialists, including:
Content Strategists
Technical Managers
These specialists should have solid professional experience in wider areas not directly related to their current positions, such as:
Project Management
Design (Photoshop, Interaction, Typography)
Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
Business Analytics
Why is an experienced team so important?
A mature content management department should be deeply interwoven into every aspect of a project, large or small. Content does not exist in a vacuum – it is integrated with all of the features of the system that the user interacts with. As a result, content passes through many hands during the build phase – from concept and wireframing, through design and HTML production to project launch and post-launch updates.
It is for this very reason that content managers need relevant experience to shepherd their output through each stage with great vigilance. This is illustrated in the following example:
A call to action was required from a content manager for a small project. The content manager – let’s call him ‘Dave’ – provided the following copy:
Click the ‘Learn More’ link below to find out more about us!
This was Dave’s only involvement in the project. When the project finally went live, Dave saw the following:
Click the ‘Learn More’ link below to find out more about us!
His call to action describes clicking a link, but the designers thought a button would be more stylish. His reference to the call to action is now wrong.
His text says Learn More, but he didn’t provide the words for the actual hyperlink in his copy. The developer chose to write Learn more info about us herself. Now, the copy and call to action do not match.
The Developer’s Learn more info about us copy is too long, and in standard case. As a call to action, it is not prominent and difficult to read.
So with this quick example, we can see that a lack of attention and consideration of how copy is handled as it passes from one department to another can quickly lead to a confusing user experience at project launch.
In B2B ICBU UED Content Management, our strategy is to hire seasoned experts from a variety of disciplines. The challenges for working in an international organization (one where the primary output language is not the primary language of internal communication) places a much greater need for a robust, well-organized approach to managing content.
Tools and talent are very important to the success of our department. But more important still is a well-worked out, reliable and scalable process for creating, monitoring and deploying our content.
The most important requirement of all is that our team extends and blends its influence across all relevant departments, from Design to Development and from User Research to Marketing.
For a company to communicate consistently and successfully with the audience (and thereby present a robust, unified brand), the boundaries between departments – not the approach to content management – must be fuzzy.
Chris Dyer
Manager, Content Management Team
Alibaba UED
VIA: 曹利娟译
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