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时间:2019-11-07 23:13:30来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:51次「手机版」


> x=round(runif(100,min=0,max=100))
> x
  [1] 80 91 60 24 64 77  3  9 96 80 14 14  1 86 80
 [16] 98 22 76 68 70 58 84 89 67  6 56  9 86 17 52
 [31] 20 36 42 17 68 77 81 77 94 84 11 14 43 19 23
 [46] 37 55 50 13 37  0 27 15 12  2 46  5 51 70 83
 [61] 61  9 12 19 35 54 73 27 75 25 30 95 43 84 22
 [76] 95 80 86  7 32 55 53 19  6 12 93 29 61 19 72
 [91] 78 51 26 54 47 22 59 81 81 12
> stem(x)

  The decimal point is 1 digit(s) to the right of the |

  0 | 01235667999
  1 | 1222234445779999
  2 | 02223456779
  3 | 025677
  4 | 23367
  5 | 011234455689
  6 | 0114788
  7 | 0023567778
  8 | 000011134446669
  9 | 1345568
> stem(x,scale = 1)

  The decimal point is 1 digit(s) to the right of the |

  0 | 01235667999
  1 | 1222234445779999
  2 | 02223456779
  3 | 025677
  4 | 23367
  5 | 011234455689
  6 | 0114788
  7 | 0023567778
  8 | 000011134446669
  9 | 1345568

> stem(x,scale = 2)

  The decimal point is 1 digit(s) to the right of the |

  0 | 0123
  0 | 5667999
  1 | 122223444
  1 | 5779999
  2 | 022234
  2 | 56779
  3 | 02
  3 | 5677
  4 | 233
  4 | 67
  5 | 0112344
  5 | 55689
  6 | 0114
  6 | 788
  7 | 0023
  7 | 567778
  8 | 00001113444
  8 | 6669
  9 | 134
  9 | 5568

> stem(x,scale = 3)

  The decimal point is 1 digit(s) to the right of the |

  0 | 0123
  0 | 5667999
  1 | 122223444
  1 | 5779999
  2 | 022234
  2 | 56779
  3 | 02
  3 | 5677
  4 | 233
  4 | 67
  5 | 0112344
  5 | 55689
  6 | 0114
  6 | 788
  7 | 0023
  7 | 567778
  8 | 00001113444
  8 | 6669
  9 | 134
  9 | 5568


文章最后发布于: 2018-02-19 10:57:51



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