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时间:2019-11-01 23:44:53来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:85次「手机版」



1. Over the weekend – Over the weekend means that the same thing as during the weekend. It is used to talk about something that hAPPened between Friday evening and Sunday evening.

Below are some examples showing how native English speakers typically use over the weekend. As you can see, the thing that happens during the weekend can be something quick, like a phone call, or something that lasts most of the weekend, like a trip to Miami.

e.g., We started packing up our apartment over the weekend. √

e.g., I promise I will call you over the weekend. √

e.g., We flew down to Miami over the weekend. √

2. On the weekend – The meaning of on the weekend is similar to the meaning of over the weekend, although it is not used quite as often. The two expressions are usually interchangeable and choosing one or the other is mostly a matter of personal preference. In all of the examples below with on the weekend, over the weekend would also be correct.

e.g., The excitement started to build on the weekend. √

e.g., I am going to set aside an hour on the weekend to do laundry. √

e.g., Would you wear it to go jogging on the weekend. √

3. On (the) weekends – (plural) One clear difference over the weekend and on the weekends is that only on is used with the plural: weekends. For example, these are all good sentences in English.

e.g., They go sailing on (the) weekends. √

e.g., I usually leave early on (the) weekends. √

e.g., On (the) weekends, I like to watch football. √

while these sentences would sound very odd to a native speaker as follows:

e.g., They go sailing over (the) weekends.

e.g., I usually leave early over (the) weekends.

e.g., Over (the) weekends, I like to watch football.

4. At the weekend – At the weekend is a British English expression, which is used the same way as on the weekend in American English. Speakers of American English may understand this expression, but they do not use it.

文章最后发布于: 2019-01-27 21:05:57



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