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时间:2019-09-03 23:42:10来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:55次「手机版」


tips on the question interviewing yourself

goal:to prove to the interviewer - to show the interviewer-that you have the skills and experience to be the ideal or perfect candidate for the job

  • keep your answer short,at about two minutes
  • focus on the work-related skills and accomplishments,not personal informoation
  • tell the interviewer why you think your work-related skills and accomplishments would be an asset to the company
  • describe your education or work history very briefly
  • tell the interviewer about things you have done and jobs you have had that are related to the position you are interviewing for
  • mention one or two personal characteristics that have helped you accomplish your goals,and give a short example to illustrate

    words and phrases

  • to major: ~ in something is to study something at the university

    example:It was an easy decision to major in compuers.

  • to enter a field: means to begin working in a particular area

    example:She plans to enter the IT field.

  • excel: means to do very well at sth-to be excellent in sth

    example: In school,I excelled in my computer-related classes.

  • formulate: means to come up with - to think of - to invent new ideas

    example:She learned how to formulate new ideas and how to communicate those or tell those effectively to the rest of the develpment team

  • focused: means to have a very clear idea about what you are doing - to have very good concentration on whatever it is that you are doing
  • product-oriented : means concerned about the results that she gets-she wants to make sure that she gets the job done
  • see to completion: to see sth to completion means that you get the project finished-you get it done
  • follow through: means to finish what you have started

    example: Someone who has “good follow through”(as a noun)

  • forefront: means to be in the leading position - in first position - someone who is a leader in their area
  • to be challenged: means that someone gives you a problem that you can solve

    example: She likes to be challenged and she wants to “make a contribution”.

  • extrovert: is the same as someone is outgoing
  • persistence : is the same as determination,when you are persistence,you are willing to continue going ,even if it’s difficult.

my introduction(to the TCC)

I’m very pleased with this opportunity to have an interview today.I lived in Tianjin.I graduated from Hunan University ,majored in automation.During the undergraduate , I laid the solid foundation for the automation related discipline.

After I missing the Ideal University-Tianjin University,I entered the Dalian Maritime University.During past years,I participated a project which is about the recovery of the underwater unmanned vehicle ,founded by National Natural Science Foundation. I am mainly responsible for implementation of auv motion model and the realization of control theory with Matlab in this project.

But I slowly found that I was not suitable for theoretical research, and I prefer the engineering direction that focuses on results.I learned programming myself,and designed a core code for a drawing software with java. and Designed a Commodity Management System with ssh framework.

The control theory background ,the self-study ability and the programming ability will help me to better qualified for the Automation instrumentation engineer.

I know that TCC is a great company with a good history.My home is very close to the company headquarters, I have a very much sense of belonging to your company.



answer about it field

I’m very pleased with this opportunity to have an interview today.I lived in Tianjin.I graduated from Hunan University ,majored in automation.

During the undergraduate ,I participated a project which is about the recovery of the underwater unmanned vehicle ,founded by National Natural Science Foundation. I am mainly responsible for implementation of auv motion model ,the realization of control theory with matlab in this project.

But I slowly found I prefer the feeling of programming.

so I learned programming myself,and designed a core code for a drawing software with java. And Designed a Commodity Management System with ssh framework.

So, my career goal is to become a full stack programmer that can responsible for a whole project.

for me,I am a responsible person.I won the title of outstanding graduate cadre in the postgraduate. and I am also a person who notice the details and hAPPy to sum up and share,i always put my summaries and shares about my techinical problems on csdn ang github.

These characteristics and skills should be able to help me better qualified for teamwork and software development work

优点 teamwork, summary,细致。help me to this job…


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1:A.D.拉丁文:anno Domini释义:in the year of the Lord 耶稣纪年,公元2:a.m.拉丁文:Ante Meridiem释义:before middday 上午,午前3:c., ca


转自:   https://blog.csdn.net/csuzhaoqinghui/article/details/52107478一、微软58题A.逻辑推理1、你让工人为你工作7天,给工



