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时间:2019-08-20 08:42:08来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:58次「手机版」


1、take some of the heat off sb 减轻某人的压力

ep. Plenty of exercise will take some of the heat off you.

 take something off 减去/除去/取消

 ep. He offered to take 50% off the price.
 That takes some of the guilty off.

 take off

 ep. The plane took off despite the fog.
 He came in and took off his coat.

2、fixate on 专注于某事

ep. He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelling around the world.

3、have a crush on sb 迷恋某人

ep. Back in high school, I had a major crush on you.
 major 表示“非常喜欢”
 have a little/huge/big/serious/secret crush on sb.

4、have a flaw 有缺点

ep. The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable.

 Each of us has our own unique flaw.

 * mistake—决策失误 It’s a mistake buying that house.
 * ERROR—道德缺陷,网络错误 He can’t forget the errors of his youth.
 * wrong
 * fault—责任/性格缺点 It’s my fault that we’re late.
 * flaw—瑕疵/毛病/裂纹/缺陷 A flaw in the plan. 计划缺陷

5、The glass is half empty. 比喻人比较悲观

 The glass is half full.

ep. The optimist sees the cup half full.
 The passimist sees the cup half empty.

6、get up the courage 鼓起勇气

ep. If you could get the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.
 * nerve oneself to do sth
 * be on one’s mettle to do sth
 * take heart of grace to do sth

7、more out of my league

 B is out of A’s league B配不上A

ep. How to get a girl out of your league?
 I think Brian’s a little out of your league.

 league n.类别/联盟 v.(使)联盟

ep. They are not in the same league. 他们的水平有高有低。
 Our club is a member of a Football league.

8、Firend Zone 朋友区;好人卡

ep. She put you in the friend zone, 6 yeares ago, brother.


ep. They’re pulling their troops out of the BATtle zone.
 Most of China is in the temperate zone. 中国大部分地区处于温带。

9、way adv. 非常地

ep. You’re way too crazy.
 It seems like I’m always way too busy with work.

10、I’m totally behind this experiments. 我完全赞成这个实验。

ep. He has someone behind him.
 I’m always on glance behind. 我总是你背后最大的支持者。
 Our sale manager was the prime mover behind our companys plan for international expansion.

 behind 落后

ep. You’ll lag behind if you don’t work harder.

11、We make a pect. 我们制定一个约定。

ep. We make a pect not to tell anyone.
 Tell me why you and I must make a pect.
 Break a pect.

12、She’s a blast.她是一个非常棒的人。

 have a blast. 非常棒的经历

 blast n./v. 爆炸

ep. A massive car bomb blasted the police headquarters.
 27 school children were injured in the blast.




