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jQuery 插件 timedropper datedropper 使用

时间:2019-09-02 07:09:59来源:IT技术作者:seo实验室小编阅读:73次「手机版」


jQuery插件 timedropper datedropper


datedropper 官网地址

GitHub 地址:最新版 3.0

GitHub 地址:老版本:


1. datedropper 老版本

datedropper 老版本可以在调用的时候就初始化一些操作


<link rel="stylesheet" href="../datedroper/1.0/datedropper.css">
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../datedroper/1.0/datedropper.js"></script>

<input type="text" id="pickdate" />

  'animate': true, // 展示动画效果,当设置为true时,选择器面板中的日期会做动画滚动到当前日期,默认是true。
  'init_animation': 'bounce', // 点击弹出面板时的动画效果,有fadeIn(默认), bounce, dropDown三种效果。
  'format': 'Y-m-d', // 格式化日期。
  'lang': 'zh',  // 语言,。
  'maxYear': '2000',  // 最大年份,默认当前年份。
  'minYear': '1990', // 最小年份,默认1970。
  // 'yearsRange': '150', // 年份范围,默认10年。
  // dateDropper:    // 还提供了皮肤样式的设置。

2. datedropper 3.0版本

datedropper 3.0版本是写在 input 标签内


<link rel="stylesheet" href="../datedroper/3.0/datedropper.css">
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.10.0/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="../datedroper/3.0/datedropper.js"></script>

<input type="text" id="pickdate" data-fx="true" data-fx-mobile="true"  data-format="Y-m-d" data-lang="zh"  data-format="Y-m-d"/>

属性 说明 默认值 书写格式
default-date This option offers the possibility to set a starting date. Please note that you must follow this specific format (mm-dd-yyyy) to allow the matching to recognize month, day and year. Default: CURRENT DATE data-default-date=“11-13-2016”
disabled-days This option offers the possibility to set a string of disabled days. So, separete all days by comma and the picker will convert them into an array. Please note that you must follow this specific format (mm/dd/yyyy) to allow the matching to recognize month, day and year. Default: false data-disabled-days=“12/13/2016,12/14/2016,12/15/2016”
format The date format the picker will write on the selected input. Default: “m-d-Y” data-format=“F S, Y”
fx If set to true, the picker will run an initial state animation and all user changes are animated. Default: true data-fx=“false”
fx-mobile Animations could be very slow on some older smartphones. To prevent this, set this option to false to disable animations on any mobile viewport. Default: true data-fx-mobile=“true”
init-set This option changes the input value automatically, by default. Set to false to prevent it. data-init-set=“false”
lang Languages used for months and days of the week. Default: en data-lang=“it”
large-mode This option enables to switch the size of the picker by clicking on the icon at the bottom or clicking on the day block. Default: false data-large-mode=“true”
large-default If “data-large-mode” is set to true, this option shows the large view by default. Default: false data-large-default=“true”
lock This option sets the date limit based on the assigned variable. If you set to “from”, you can’t select a date earlier than the current date. Opposed to this behavior, if it’s set to “to”, you can not select a date after the current date. Default: false data-lock=“from”
jump It groups years based on the value set(multiple). This option is enabled when you click on the year block, to accellerate the transition between years. Default: 10 data-jump=“4”
max-year The highest year that the control will allow. Default: CURRENT YEAR data-max-year=“2030”
min-year The lowest year that the control will allow. Default: 1970 data-min-year=“1800”
modal If this option is set to true, the picker will be displayed centered, with a dark overlay in background. Default: false data-modal=“true”
theme Set the name of style that you have assigned on the stylesheet generated by the theme generator. data-theme=“my-style”
translate-mode If it’s set to true, you can change the language by clicking on the icon at the bottom. Default: false data-translate-mode=“true”


  meridians: false,   // 默认为 false
  format: 'HH:mm'

format 说明

Value Description Result
H 24-hour format non-padded number 0-24
h 12-hour format non-padded number 43112
HH 24-hour format padded number 00-24
hh 12-hour format padded number 43112
m Non-padded numeric minutes 1-59
mm padded numeric minutes 01-59
a lower case meridian am-pm
A upper case meridian AM-PM

datedropper部分内容参考: 阿里云栖社区






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